DS7400Xi ( 4+) Reference Guide Copyright © 2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. P/N: F01U035325-01 Page 81
12.3 Personal Dialing Format
This is a 2 pulse per second (PPS) 0/2 (no account code/2 report event digits) format intended for manual reception, i.e. the panel will
call a phone number where a person is expected to answer. After a call is made, the panel will start sending the first report. If the report
was a “Communication Test” and Program Address 3340 had a value of 12 the person answering the phone would hear 1 pulse
followed by a 1 second delay, then 2 pulses followed by a 3 second delay. This sequence will repeat for 60 seconds per call. After the
60 seconds the panel will hang up and call again if any reports still remain to be sent.
A way to expedite this report process would be to provide an acknowledge to the panel that the report was heard and understood by the
receiving party. When an acknowledge is provided, the panel will start sending the next report or hang up if no reports remain. To provide
an acknowledge, press the 1 key of the telephone keypad during the 3 second delay of the report transmission. This “Acknowledge
Feature” is an enhancement that will allow the panel to send all reports in one call. If the call is not acknowledged a communication
failure is sent after all dial attempts are made.
Programming the first data digit as zero will disable the report. Values 1-9 and A-F are acceptable. A zero in the second data digit will
send ten pulses.
12.4 Pager Format
The Pager format allows the control panel to dial a digital pager and leave a numeric message which includes an account ID and report
type. The telephone number is dialed when a report is available. At the completion of the telephone dialing, a time delay equal to 10
seconds occurs. This delay allows time to connect with the pager service, while skipping over any voice announcement. When the delay
has ended, the numeric message is sent. This message includes the account number followed by up to 5 reports. If a delay time greater
than 10 seconds is required, see Programming Address 4038 to adjust the delay time. In addition, increments of 3 seconds can be
added by programming the “*3” character (3 second delay) at the end of the phone number in address 3159 or 3175.
For example, if you call pager number 123-4567 and it takes 20 seconds after you finished dialing before you are allowed to enter the
message, the following digits should be programmed in address 3159: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *3 *3 *3 *3. This will give you an overall delay of
22 seconds.
NOTE: For Pager Format, it is not advisable to use the HEX character values (*0 = A, *1 = B, *2 = C, *3 = D, *4 = E, *5 = F) in the report
programming addresses 3207 through 3419. These characters could cause unpredictable results when sent to a pager
system that only expects numeric characters between 0-9. This is the reason that this format will not allow an associated user
number with an open and close report.
The following are recommended programming values for addresses 3207 through 3419 when using the Pager format.
NOTE: The Pager format is an open-loop format which has no acknowledge tone. There is no indication at the control panel that the
signal has been sent. Therefore, the Pager format is not recommended as the primary communication method.
Refer to the worksheet on the next page for Reports with Restorals. The values for each report can be determined by the
user in conjunction with the installer. Again, the digit “0” (zero) should not be used as the reporting (first) digit as it will affect
other reports in the system. Examples have been provided for possible reporting values, but the values can be set to the
user’s preferences.