Access Control Interface Module Door Profile | en 7
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Program Entry Guide F.01U.201.526 | 02 | 2011.10
Use this program item to unlock the door (latched shunt and strike) automatically when the
entry area is disarmed. The door will re-lock upon Master or Perimeter Arming the area
Yes When the area assigned in D# Entry Area # is disarmed, the door will be in the Unlocked
state. When that area is armed, the door will return to the Locked state.
No Door state will not be affected by the armed state of the area.
Use this program item to activate the relay for the door strike and shunt the door zone
automatically upon a Fire Alarm. This feature will override a Secure Door state, Locked Door
state, Auto Door, and an Interlock faulted point. The relay will activate for all doors with this
prompt programmed [YES] when a Fire Alarm occurs in any area. Relays that are activated by
Fire Unlock can only be returned to normal through the Command Center using the Door
Control function.
Yes Relay will activate and shunt will be applied for the door contact automatically upon a Fire
No Door will remain in its current mode upon a Fire Alarm.
Use this program item to determine whether the door needs to be physically opened prior to
disarming the area upon a valid access request. The user initiating the access request must
have access levels that allow disarming with ID.
D# Auto Door?
Default: No
Selections: Yes or No
The Unlocked state cannot be overridden manually.
Doors that are activated by Fire Unlock must be returned to normal using the Door Control
function on the control center.
D# Fire Unlock?
Default: No
Selections: Yes or No
This will unlock the door regardless of the armed state.
D# Disarm On Open?
Default: No
Selections: Yes or No