D9112 Operation & Installation Manual
Page 26
74-06144-000-C 2/96
© 1993-1996 Radionics
Terminals 6 and 7
Terminals 6 (relay A) and 7 (relay B), provide positive (+) 10.2 VDC to 13.9 VDC power
output when activated. Use the power at terminals 6 and 7 to power bells, siren drivers,
piezo fire sounders, electronic horns, or other devices. Programming determines the
format of the output and the conditions that activate it. One self-resetting circuit breaker
protects terminals 6, 7, and 8 against shorts.
Available Power
The D9112 combines the 1.4A of primary power produced by the power supply with the
secondary power source (the battery) to produce a total of 2.0A of alarm power at 10.2 to
13.9 VDC. Terminals 6 and 7 share the available alarm power.
Power restricted for fire and combined fire/burglary systems:
Use the
Fire System
Power Formula
below to calculate the current available for fire and combined fire/burglary
Fire System Power Formula
To calculate the current available at terminals 6 and 7 for fire and combined fire/burglary
1. Add together the current draws for all devices connected to terminals 3, 8, 24, and
32, the Expansion Port (J4), and the Accessory Connect (J2). This total is the total
current required for the Normal Standby Condition (NSC).
2. The current available for Normal Standby Condition (NSC) for the D9112 is 1.4A.
Subtract the NSC current required calculated in step 1 from the NSC current
available, 1.4A. The difference is the Alarm Current available for terminals 6 and 7.
In formula format:
NSC current available – NSC current required = Alarm Current available
Terminal 8
Terminal 8 provides continuous positive (+) 10.2 VDC to 13.9 VDC power. Relay C
interrupts the power at terminal 8 when activated. Use terminal 8 to power smoke
detectors or other devices that are reset by interrupting power. One self-resetting circuit
breaker protects terminals 6, 7, and 8 against shorts.
Verification/Reset Relay
The D9112 default program sets relay C (terminal 8) as a verification/reset relay. See the
Relay Parameters
Point Assignments
modules in the D9112 Program Entry Guide
(74-06145-000) for instructions on programming verification/reset relays and points.
Performing a CMD 47 at a command center produces a 5 second relay activation of
verification/reset relays. The panel ignores verification/reset points during the 5 seconds
of relay activation.