
D623 Series/D625 Series | User's Guide | Basic Pager Reports
32 Bosch Security Systems | 9/04 | 46841E
Table 7: Character Code Information
Display Description
A# Area number
Pt## Point number
Dv### Device number
Ln## Phone line number
Mn# Minutes until Auto Arm Sked
Cd## User Code number
Op## Output number
Ks## Keyswitch number
U## User number
## Communication status for Routing Destinations
1 and 2
- (dash) Destination disabled
A Aborted
D Deleted from pending buffer by control panel
F Faulted
L Local
P Pending
S Sent
Basic Pager Reports
A pager’s display can show up to four fields of
information in the following order:
Figure 7: Pager Display format
(Account Number) - (Event Number) - (Area Number) - (Point/User Number)
Account Number: 4-digit account number. If the
account number is greater than four digits, the first
four digits are sent.
Event Number: Panel event numbers. See Panel
Event Descriptions on page 43 for information on
control panel events.
Area Number: Area number the faulted point is
assigned to.
Point/User Number: Point number assigned to
the faulted point. This field can also show a User
ID number.
Depending on its configuration, your pager can display
any combination of the four fields shown in the order
above with or without field separators. For example:
Account Number: 1234
Event Number: 08
Area Number: 02
Point Faulted: 21
A pager display configured to show all four fields with
separators using the sample information from above
would look like:
A pager display configured to show all four fields
without separators using the sample information from
above would look like:
Contact your security company to modify pager
display configuration.
User IDs 1 to 32 are reserved for system user.
User ID 252 is reserved for sked operation.
User ID 253 is reserved for remote telephone
User ID 254 is reserved for remote programming
User ID 255 is reserved for keyswitch operation.