Conettix D6600/D6100 | Computer Interface Manual | Appendix C: Modem IIIa2 Messages
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C.1 Zonex and Comex Translation
These numbered items correspond to the number in
the last column in Table 92 starting on page 61.
1. The D7112/D9112 verifies the user identification
and point data formats and sends them to the
automation system. If the control panel requests a
translation, the D6600/D6100 converts point data
to Zonex format and user IDs to Comex format. If
there is no request for translation, points and IDs
are sent to the automation PC and print on the
connected printer with no conversion. Table 94
shows the translation of User IDs and Table 93
shows the translation of point data.
Table 93: Point to Zonex Translation
001-008 100-800
009-024 101-116
025-040 201-216
041-056 301-316
057-072 401-416
073-088 501-516
089-104 601-616
105-120 701-716
121-136 801-816
137-152 117-132
153-168 217-232
169-184 317-332
185-200 417-432
201-216 517-532
217-232 617-632
233-247 717-731
Table 94: User ID to Comex Translation
0 0
1-5 001-005
0-13 601-608
14-21 701-708
22-29 801-808
30-37 B01-B08
38-45 C01-C08
46-53 D01-D08
54-61 E01-E08
62-69 F01-F08
70-249 000
2. A D7112 using the Modem II format can transmit
these messages.
3. Not used.
4. When the D7112 is transmitting a test report in
Modem II format, the area number is sent to the
automation system if the output format is in SIA
communications mode.
Example 1: Log Threshold Since Last Call
5. When transmitted by a D7112, the identification
number, if any, also prints. Refer to Forced Point in
the D9112B Program Entry Guide
(P/N: 74-06145-000-D).
6. Not entering a phone number turns off these
messages for the event class. All messages in this
class exist in a unique event class.
7. For these events, the area denotes the location of
the keypad used to initiate the event (see Sensor
8. BFSK Format: For the D9112, unless otherwise
specified, the zone digit “z” uses the “BFSK Zone
Code” as a base for a given point. This code is
programmed in the control panel by point. The
zone digit “i” indicates the most significant digit of
the user ID.
9. For the D7112, unless otherwise specified, Table 95
is the basis for the zone digit “z” and ID
translation; however, actual IDs only go up to 25.
Table 95: Reported Zone/ID to Actual Point/ID
Reported Zone/ID
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
10. This message reports from a D7112 RF point. The
internal or external printer prints the label “RF
POINT=” instead of “POINT=” in the second line
(Example 2).
Example 2: Label RF Point
dd/dd tt:tt ql ACC aaaa FIRE ALARM
+++ ACC aaaa AREA=a RF POINT=ppp