D1265 | Owner's Manual | Part III: Advanced Commands
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 9/10 | F01U169130-02 55
6. If the card is accepted, the display changes to
either Card added or Card changed if the
card already exists in your system.
Pressing the Exit button exits from this function
and returns the display to the main Add /
Change User display.
Pressing the Next button exits from this
function and returns the display to
Add/Change Passcode depending on if a
passcode already exists for the user.
Default Text (CMD + 5 + 7)
This function allows the current state of the area for 3
sec before returning to idle text.
1. Ensure your keypad shows idle disarmed text.
2. Press the CMD button. The display shows
*System Command*.
3. Press the 5 button and then the 7 button.
If you prefer, you might use the function
list in place of Steps 2 and 3 to initiate
this function.
Press the Menu button to enter the
function list.
Press the Next button repeatedly.
When you reach the Default Text button,
press it.
4. The current state of the area is shown for 3 sec
before returning to idle text.
Fire Test (CMD + 5 + 8)
Use this function to test fire points and other 24-hour
points to be certain they function properly. You can
review both the tested and untested points at your
keypad to help pinpoint any problems.
Upon initiation, the fire test tests the fire bell pattern
on the bell output and ring the keypad fire bell for 2
sec. The AC is disabled for 4 minutes in order to test
the system’s battery power. If the battery cannot
maintain the system for the 4-minute period, the
keypad appears to power off. If this happens, contact
your security company. At the end of the 4-minute
period, AC is returned to the system and the control
panel restores. A message is sent to your security
company upon initiation and completion of the Fire
Test. During the Fire Test, no 24-hour alarms are
sent to your security company.
If there is no activity on the system for 20 minutes, the
system automatically exits from the Fire Test.
Any 24-hour points left in a faulted condition at the
end of the test are automatically removed from service
by bypassing them. Once the 24-hour device is reset to
normal, use the Unbypass command (refer to Unbypass
A Point
+ 0 + 0) on page 33) to return them to
Using Fire Test
1. Ensure your keypad shows idle disarmed text.
2. Press the CMD button. The display shows
*System Command*.
3. Press the 5 button and then the 8 button.
If you prefer, you might use the function
list in place of Steps 2 and 3 to initiate
this function.
Press the Menu button to enter the
function list.
Press the Next button repeatedly.
When you reach the Fire Walk Test
button, press it.