
User Selectable DIP Switch Settings for Main CPU Bay
EN | 37
Users with Priority Level 1 can also use the keyboard (see User Function 29) to
reset any changed protocols back to the default settings (see below).
Switch 8 also controls the activation of a “boot screen” Command Script pro-
gram previously downloaded into the CPU's memory. Command Scripts are
user-defined programs designed to provide special system functions or features
at system startup or reset. If the switch setting is OFF, any existing boot screen
function will not be activated.
The default (DIP switch 8 OFF or after activation of Keyboard User Function
29) data communication settings for the Allegiant system are listed below.
Settings Console Port Printer Port Alarm Port Keyboard Ports
Baud Rate 19,200 19,200 19,200 9600
Stop Bits 1 1 1 --
Data Bits 8 8 8 --
Parity None None None --
Handshake Yes No No --