Troubleshooting | en 25
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Firmware Update Manual F.01U.097.269 | 4.0 | 2012.02
3.3.2 BILINX
– Ensure that only one BILINX device is connected to the PC. For example, only one VP-USB
may be connected to a PC at one time. In addition, disconnect the video output from the
AutoDome from any other BILINX controller during a firmware upgrade.
– Confirm that all connections are correct and that the maximum recommended distance
has not been exceeded.
– Confirm that there is a direct coax connection to the dome. BILINX cannot be transmitted
through fiber without special fiber modules. BILINX also cannot be passed through
analog distribution amplifiers, with the exception to the Bosch LTC 5231/90 and
LTC 5234/90.
– Confirm that the coax signal is correctly terminated with only one 75 ohm load.
3.3.3 Serial (RS232 or RS485)
– Ensure that the CPU switch is set to the correct format. The factory default setting is
RS485. Refer to the AutoDome Series Installation Manual for more information.
– Confirm that the correct COM port was selected and that the cable is connected firmly to
the DB9 connector.
– Ensure that all connections are correct and that the maximum recommended distance
has not been exceeded.
– Ensure that the RS232 GROUND connection has been used.
– If using RS485, ensure that the termination resistor has been installed.
– Ensure the AutoDome AutoBaud is turned on.
3.3.4 Firmware Upgrade via CTFID Fails
Try to repeat the upgrade a second time. If the upgrade continues to fail, contact Bosch tech-
nical support.