
Bosch Supplier Logistics Manual, Release. 3.0
Robert Bosch GmbH, CP/LOG, 07.05.2007 Page 25(35)
- Address of SUPPLIER
- BOSCH SUPPLIER number (as on the delivery call-off)
- Collection date and time
Delivery address:
- Destination/ unloading point
- Delivery date
Consignment data:
- Quantity, type of shipping units, where appropriate load meter
- Gross weight
- Where appropriate, customs declaration
The advice of shipping from SUPPLIER to the carrier designated by BOSCH should be sent by EDI/
WebEDI. Until implementation of EDI/ WebEDI, the advice forms and procedures of the respective
carrier are to be used.
The carrier shall collect the shipment within a specific time slot, or at the specific time agreed between
SUPPLIER and the carrier.
Advice of shipping of hazardous goods must be sent separately. In the case of hazardous goods,
SUPPLIER is responsible for ensuring that the collecting carrier is provided with all necessary
complete and correct documentation. Components that require extra-ordinary packaging due to their
volume, shape or design must be announced to the carrier prior to shipping.
Any temperature control required due to sensitivity to heat or frost must be stated to the carrier in time
prior to shipping.
3.5 Shipping Documents
To identify each delivery, the carrier draws up a separate hand-over document to be handed to the
recipients at the destination.
In order to record the delivery, carriers are usually to be provided with the following information:
3.5.1 Delivery Note
Sender's address
Recipient's address (receiving plant, unloading point as per delivery call-off)
Total quantity in delivery and quantities per shipping unit