
The Adapter field will automatically change to reflect the adapter that is
currently attached. OMNIScanner auto-senses the adapter. If the adapter is
changed, OMNIScanner will automatically adjust the content in the fields Autotest:
and Cable: to reflect the new setup.
Every Project has certain Autotests and cables assigned already. These associated
lists will appear in the pop-up lists for each item. If the Autotest or Cable you want
to use is not in a pop-up list, open (Setup) to select the appropriate item.
(See Chapter 3, Setup: Autotest, Cable, or Project, for further information.)
2.6 Running an Autotest for Twisted Pair Cabling
1. Connect OMNIScanner to the near end of the twisted-pair cable you are
testing and connect OMNIRemote to the far end.
(See the Typical Test Configurations for Twisted Pair Cabling section in this
chapter for more information.)
2. Press the key. When testing twisted-pair cable, OMNIScanner will
immediately verify that OMNIRemote is attached. If OMNIRemote is not
attached, OMNIScanner will wait until it is attached before running the
3. Press ESC at any time to cancel the Autotest.
Modular 8
Link Adapter
Modular 8 Jack