
Block size for the 2770/2780 is normally limited to 160, but block size is 400 if the 2770/2780 has the
Multiple Record Transmission. Block size for the 3780 is 512.
Switch #4 ON = sends CR LF (Carriage Return, Line Feed) to asynchronous device immediately after
each logical end of block character (ETB, or ETX) is received from the synchronous
OFF = Normal operation
Switch #5 ON = Variable-length blocks. This switch causes the records sent by the asynchronous
device to be blocked and treated as variable length, i.e. no spaces are used to pad
out the block.
OFF = All blocks are treated as fixed length, which would require blank spaces, if necessary,
to complete the block size. (In 2780 multi-record blocks, an IUS character is
inserted after each 80 characters counted. The final record is the only one that may
be less than the block size specified).
It is possible that a block will have only one record if you enter a CR after each record (2780 mode).
Switch #6 ON = 3780 MODE
OFF = 2770/2780/3741 MODE
Switch #7 ON = When RAM reaches a nearly-full state, DTR (Pin 20) will be lowered. When RAM
space is available, DTR will be raised to permit transmission to resume. Port A must
be configured as DTE (see Section 3.2.5). When CTS from the external
asynchronous device is ON, the A/S-2G can send data. When the external device
lowers CTS, the A/S-2G will not send data.
OFF = When RAM reaches a nearly-full state, an X-OFF (ASCII DC3, 13 Hex) will be issued
to the asynchronous device to prevent buffer overrun. When RAM space is available,
X-ON (ASCII DCl, 11 Hex) will be sent to resume transmission. Put the CTS A
jumper to the on position (see Section 3.2.3).
Switch #8 ON = 2 Stop Bits (asynchronous side only).
OFF = 1 Stop Bit (asynchronous side only).
3.2.2 SW2
Locate the switch labeled SW2 on the printed circuit board. (See Figure 5-2 on page 28.)
Switch #1 ON = Space compression on transmit (3780 Mode only).
OFF = Normal operation.
Switch #2 ON = Pass escape sequences through.
OFF = Convert escape sequences to CR LF or FF per Section 4.2.3 on page 20.
Switch #3 ON = No Asynchronous RTS except during bisynchronous receive (half-duplex on
asynchronous side).
OFF = Normal Operation (full-duplex).