Chapter 4: Install the High-Density Media Converter System II Layer 2
LMC5022C-R3 724-746-5500 | blackbox.com Page 13
Regardless if there is a break in segment 1, 2 or 3, the link will drop on the
switches at both ends. The link fault is passed through the media conversion
and is observed at each end. It acts just like it would if the devices were
directly connected.
For more information on LinkLoss/FiberAlert, visit the Black Box Web site at
http://www.blackbox.com. If unsure of how to implement these features in a
specific configuration, contact Black Box Technical Support at 877-877-2269.
4.3.5 FiberAlert and Far End Fault
Modules ship from the factory with troubleshooting features disabled.
FiberAlert (FA)
FiberAlert minimizes the
problems associated with
the loss of one strand of
fiber. If a strand is
unavailable, the Black
Box device at the receiver
end notes the loss of link.
The device will then stop transmitting data and the link signal until a signal or
link pulse is received. The result is that the link LED on BOTH sides of the fiber
connection will go out indicating a fault somewhere in the fiber loop. Using
FiberAlert, a local site administrator is notified of a fault and can quickly
determine where a cable fault is located.