724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Page 9
Chapter 1: Specifications
1.4 TCP/UDP Ports
Table 1-1. TCP/UDP ports.
Port Description Comments
80/tcp Always open for the Web server.
This port is used for configuration of the device using a web browser.
This port is always open no matter how you configure the device.
If you want to use this method to configure the device from outside of a firewall, then a firewall
must allow incoming connections to this port.
If you want to use this method to configure the device from the outside of a NAT, the NAT must be
configured to forward to this port.
This port is open when any serial
port is configured for VCOM
This port is used for communications with the VCOM device driver installed on the computer. This
port is open only if you configure any serial port for VCOM mode.
If you want to use VCOM from outside of a firewall, then you must allow incoming connections on
this port.
If you want to use VCOM from outside of a NAT, then you must forward to this port.
Always open for serial server
configuration over TCP.
This port is used for configuration and firmware upgrade of the device using the serial
server manager. This port is always open no matter how you configure the device.
If you want to configure the serial server from outside of a firewall using the serial server manager,
then the firewall must be configured to allow incoming connections on 7000/tcp and allow packets
addressed to 7000/udp to be received.
NOTE: Configuring over 7000/udp is not supported.
This port is open when serial
port 1 is configured for paired-
mode server.
These ports are used to transfer handshake line state and break state in paired mode configuration.
These ports are open only if you configure the port for paired-mode server. Note that serial port 1
uses 60000/tcp, serial port 2 uses 60001/tcp, serial port 3 uses 60002/tcp, and serial port 4 uses
60003/tcp. If a port is not configured for paired-mode server, then the corresponding port is not
If you want to connect to a paired-mode server from outside of a firewall, then you must allow
incoming connections on these ports.
If you want to connect to a paired-mode server from outside of a NAT, then you must forward to
these ports.
This port is open when serial
port 2 is configured for paired-
mode server. Applies to LES422A
and LES424A only.
As above
This port is open when serial
port 3 is configured for paired-
mode server. Applies to LES424A
As above
This port is open when serial
port 4 is configured for paired-
mode server. Applies to LES424A
As above
This port is open when the
network mode is DHCP.
This port is used if you configure the device for DHCP mode (as opposed to Static IP). It is used to
communicate with the DHCP server.
This should only be used inside of a firewall or NAT.
Always open for serial server
configuration over UDP.
These ports are used for configuration and firmware upgrade of the device using the serial server
manager. These ports are always open no matter how you configure the device.
If you want to configure the serial server from outside of a firewall using the serial server manager,
then the firewall must be configured to allow incoming connections on 7000/tcp and allow packets
addressed to 7000/udp to be received
Always open for serial server
This port is used for discovering serial servers. This port is always open no matter how you configure
the device.
NOTE: The device discovery only works on a local subnet. The port may not need to be configured
in a firewall or NAT.
Other User-specified ports.
Other TCP and UDP ports may be open, depending on what you specified for the device
If you want to use these other ports from outside of a firewall, then you must allow these ports.
If you want to use these other ports from outside of a NAT, then you must forward to these ports.