Auto-Sync Time Clock
6-6 724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
6.6. Display Messages
6.6.1. Normal Startup
When the AC power is connected to the clock, the display on the clock will flash
“boot”, then sequentially display the complete IP address twice, and finally show
the normal display of date and time. See the following figure for an example.
For Auto-Sync Time Clock with no network connection
During the clock power up sequence, if the clock cannot make a network
connection, it will flash for the IP Address. If this happens, please verify
that the clock is connected.
6.6.2. Colon Status
For Auto-Sync Time Clock equipped with FPR Option Only
If the AC power is connected to the clock, the display colon will “flash.” Upon loss of
AC power, the display colon will remain constant to indicate that the clock with
printing capability is currently running from the battery which has a 6 hour or 400
print cycle capacity.
For Auto-Sync Time Clock equipped with PoE and FPR Option
When the PoE is operating correctly and charging the FPR battery plus helping to
power the clock, the display colon will “flash.” Upon loss of PoE power, the display
colon will remain constant to indicate PoE failure and that the clock with printing
capability is currently running from the battery which has a 6 hour or 400 print
cycle capacity.
For example, an
IP =
would display