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Chapter 6: Serial Control
Table 6-12. Connection of CPU (input) with CON (output).
Bytes Description Coding
1 Control character 0x1B
1 Server identification 0x5B
1 Command 0x48
2 Total length of telegram (9 bytes, binary) 0x09 0x00
2 Requested console
0x01 0x00 (for Console 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
Console 287)
2 Requested CPU
0x01 0x00 (for CPU 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
CPU 287)
Connection of CPU 43 with Console 23
0x1B 0x5B 0x48 0x09 0x00 0x17 0x00 0x2B 0x00
Table 6-13. Request of CPU (input) for CON (output)
with a fixed console number.
Bytes Description Coding
1 Control character 0x1B
1 Server identification 0x5B
1 Command 0x49
2 Total length of telegram (9 bytes, binary) 0x09 0x00
Total number of consoles (binary, 1…max.
0x01 0x00 (for Console 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
287 Consoles)
2 Requested consoles
0x01 0x00 (for Console 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
Console 287)
Request of CPU (input) for Console 23 with 50 consoles in total
0x1B 0x5B 0x49 0x09 0x00 0x32 0x00 0x17 0x00