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Chapter 5: Operation
Select “Control > Presets” in the task area.
Figure 5-9. Menu Control – Presets.
To create a new switch macro, proceed as follows:
1. Open a new switch macro by pressing on the “New” symbol in the right
column of the working area. You’ll be asked if the existing connections should
be taken over for the new switch macro.
2. Set the desired switching operations in the corresponding columns (Full Access,
Video Only or Private Mode) by double-clicking on the respective selection box
or use the function for a disconnect (Disconnect CPU).
3. Save the created switch macro by clicking the “Save” symbol in the right
column of the working area. A save dialog will be opened.
4. Enter a name or the new switch macro and confirm by pressing the “OK”
button in the save dialog box.
5. Click on a selected switch macro with the right mouse button to create a copy
of the current switch macro using the option “Save as....”
6. You can delete already saved macros by pressing the “Delete” symbol.