Chapter 3: Installation
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Page 19
3.3.1 DDC indications
When power is first applied to the local module (either from the computer’s USB port or an optional power
adapter) it will search for valid DDC data on its video out connector. During this process, the green indicator
(built into the link connector) will flash to indicate its progress:
• IfnovalidDDCinformationislocated,thegreenindicatorwillgiveoneveryshortflash,representingan
attempt to read data. No changes will be made to the information already stored within the local module.
• IftheDDCinformationisthesameasthatalreadystored,nochangewillbemadeandthegreenindicator
will give one single flash as the information is checked and normal operation resumes.
• IfdifferentDDCinformationislocated,thegreenindicatorwillflashrapidlyfor2to3secondswhilethenewinformationis
stored. A single flash will then be given as the information is checked and normal operation resumes.
The local module’s green indicator also provides fault indications to assist with troubleshooting:
• Twoflashes-Checksumerrorpriortocopying-noinformationwillbeprogrammed.
• Threeflashes-Toomuchdatatofitintothemodule-themodulecanholdamaximumoftwopagesofDDCinformation.
• Rapidflashingfollowedbyfourflashes-datawaslostduringcopying-thedefaultdatawassubstituted.Repeatthepoweron
• Rapidflashingfollowedbyfiveflashes-Checksumerrorduringcopying-thedefaultdatawassubstituted.Repeatthepower
on process.