
A/C-7P RO, A/C-7S RO
Appendix A: Font (FGID) Reference
for HP LaserJet Printers
The following table lists the standard
HP LaserJet resident fonts and the
HP font cartridges that are available,
along with the font ID number used
to select the font.
Table A-1. Selecting Standard Fonts.
Typeface Symbol Set Orient. Pitch Point Typestyle
Size No.
HP LaserJet Internal Resident Fonts
Courier R-8/CP850 P/L 10 12 11
Line Printer R-8/CP850 P/L 15 8.5 223
Line Printer R-8/CP850 P/L 17.1 8.5 254
Line Printer R-8/CP850 P/L 19 8.5 281
Line Printer R-8/CP850 P/L 13.33 8.5 204
LaserJet IID, III, IIID Printers have in addition:
Courier italic R-8/CP850 P/L 10 12 18
Courier bold R-8/CP850 P/L 10 12 46
Courier R-8/CP850 P/L 12 10 85