SkyRider 15
8.2 Manuals.
8.2.1 Machine manuals. The operator shall ensure the operating and maintenance
manuals are stored in the weather resistant storage compartment on the aerial
platform. The manual(s) is considered an integral part of the aerial platform and is
vital to communicate necessary safety information to the operator. The operator
shall be familiar with the manuals and reference them as required.
8.2.2 Manual of responsibilities. The ANSI/SIA A92.6-1999 Manual of
Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and
Brokers of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms shall be provided and stored in
the weather resistant storage compartment.
8.3 Pre-start Inspection. Before use each day or at the beginning of each shift, the
aerial platform shall be given a visual inspection and functional test including but not
limited to the following: (1) Operating and emergency controls. (2) Safety devices. (3)
Personal protective devices. (4) Air, hydraulic, and fuel system leaks. (5) Cables and
wiring harness. (6) Loose or missing parts. (7) Tires and wheels. (8) Placards,
warnings, control markings, and operating manuals. (9) Outriggers, stabilizers, and other
structures. (10) Guardrail system. (11) Items specified by the manufacturer.
8.4 Problems Or Malfunctions. Any problems or malfunctions that affect the safety of
operations shall be repaired prior to the use of the aerial platform.
8.5 Training, Retraining, And Familiarization.
8.5.1 General training. Only personnel who have received general instructions
regarding the inspection, application and operation of aerial platforms, including
recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with their operation, shall operate
an aerial platform. Such items covered shall include, but not necessarily limited to,
the following issues and requirements: (1) The purpose and use of manuals. (2)
That operating manuals are an integral part of the aerial platform and must be stored
properly in the weather resistant compartment when not in use. (3) A pre-start
inspection. (4) Responsibilities associated with problems or malfunctions affecting
the operation of the aerial platform. (5) Factors affecting stability. (6) The purpose
of placards and decals. (7) Workplace inspection. (8) Safety rules and regulations.
(9) Authorization to operate. (10) Operator warnings and instructions. (11) Actual
operation of the aerial platform. Under the direction of a qualified person, the
trainee shall operate the aerial platform for a sufficient period of time to demonstrate
proficiency in the actual operation of the aerial platform.
8.5.2 Retraining. The operator shall be retrained, when so directed by the user,
based on the user’s observation and evaluation of the operator.
8.5.3 Familiarization. When an operator is directed to operate an aerial platform
he/she is not familiar with, the operator shall receive instructions regarding the
following items: (1) The location of the weather resistant compartment (for manual
storage). (2) The purpose and function of all controls. (3) Safety devices and
operating characteristics specific to the aerial platform.
8.6 Before Operation. Before operation, the operator shall: (1) Read and understand
the manufacturer's operating instruction(s) and user’s safety rules or have them
explained. (2) Understand all labels, warnings, and instructions displayed on the aerial
platform or have them explained. (3) Ensure all occupants of the aerial platform wear
appropriate personal safety equipment for the conditions, including the environment in
which the aerial platform will be operated.
8.7 Workplace Inspection. Before the aerial platform is used and during use, the
operator shall check the area in which the aerial platform is to be used for possible
hazards such as, but not limited to: (1) Drop-offs or holes. (2) Slope(s). (3) Bumps and
floor obstructions. (4) Debris. (5) Overhead obstructions and electrical conductors. (6)
Hazardous locations. (7) Inadequate surface and support to withstand all load forces
imposed by the aerial platform in all operating configurations. (8) Wind and weather
conditions. (9) Other possible unsafe conditions.