4-4 Hard Disk Free Space
On the right of the Main Screen, there are two Hard Disk pictures(HDR-16EP
supports two Hard Disks). On the right of the hard disk picture, there is the
number in color with a “%” sign, which means the available hard disk space.
When you start using a new hard disk (e.g.: a hard disk with capacity 80GB), the
display will show a number very close to 100%, and the color will be BLUE.
However, as recording continues, the available space will diminish. When the
remaining available space is less than 4GB of the total capacity, the display color
will change to ORANGE. In the case of 80GB hard disk, the color change will
happen when the disk space has only 5% available. This serves as a warning
message that the system will soon enter the Recycle Mode; which means, the
earliest recorded data will be replaced with the newest recording data. If you
would like to keep all the data, this is the time to swap a new hard disk.
If the disk hasn’t been changed and the recording continues, the system will
eventually go into Recycle Mode when there’s only less than 1GB of hard disk
space left (for a 80GB hard disk, this means space less than 1.25%), and the
number shows “Hard Disk Space display” will turn its color into RED.
Refer to the figure below. It means there is only one hard disk installed, and the
available space of this hard disk is 80.7%. of the total space.