3 / EN
Washng Machne / User’s Manual
General safety nstructons
This section includes security instructions which may help prevent
the injuries and material damage risks. All kinds of warranties shall
be invalid if these instructions are not observed.
1.1 Lfe and property safety
Never place the product on a carpet-covered floor. Electrcal parts
wll get overheated snce ar cannot crculate from under the devce.
Ths wll cause problems wth your product.
Unplug the product f t s not n use.
Always have the nstallaton and reparng procedures carred out
by the Authorzed Servce Agent. Manufacturer shall not be held
lable for damages that may arse from procedures carred out by
unauthorzed persons.
The water supply and dranng hoses must be securely fastened and
reman undamaged. Otherwse, water leak may occur.
Whle there s stll water nsde the product, never open the loadng
door or remove the flter. Otherwse, rsk of floodng and njury from
hot water wll occur.
Do not force open the locked loadng door. Door can be opened a few
mnutes after the washng cycle ends. In case of forcng the loadng
door to open, the door and the lock mechansm may get damaged.
Use detergents, softeners and supplements sutable for automatc
washng machnes only.
Follow the nstructons on the label of textles and the detergent
1.2 Chldren's safety
Ths product can be used by the chldren who are at the age of 8 and
over and the people whose physcal, sensory or mental sklls are not
fully developed or who do not have necessary requred experence
and knowledge as long as they are supervsed or traned about the
safe use of the product and ts rsks. Chldren should not play wth the
devce. Cleanng and mantenance works should not be performed
by chldren unless they are supervsed by someone. Chldren of less
than 3 years should be kept away unless contnuously supervsed.
Packagng materals may be dangerous for the chldren. Keep
packagng materals n a safe place away from reach of the chldren.
Electrcal products are dangerous for the chldren. Keep the chldren
away from the product when t s n use. Do not allow them to play