MatrixPRO • 8x8 DVI Router • User’s Guide 69
5. GUI Installation and Operation
Using the Video Switching Tab
A stored “preset” (configuration file) containing all input and output routes can be recalled
from memory and applied instantly to the router’s current state. For example, you can
recall a configuration in which all outputs are “blanked,” or a configuration in which input 4
is routed to all outputs.
On the Video Switching Tab, use the following steps to recall a preset:
1. In the Presets Section, click Recall to reveal the 8 preset buttons.
Figure 5-14. Presets Section — Save pending
Note that “empty” presets are grayed out.
2. Click the button for the preset that you want to recall. The pending preset route is
immediately recalled to the panel, as indicated by the bright red squares (and
associated input digits) adjacent to all output buttons.
3. Click TAKE or Confirm to complete the route.
You can click Cancel to cancel the procedure, prior to clicking