8.10 275 Performance
Section 8 • required inSPection, Service, &
c. DeparTinG
1. Passengers/Crew ................................................... Safely seated with PFDs on or immediately accessible
2. Lines, Fenders and Anchor ..................................... Stowed
boaT sYsTeMs
1. Trim Tabs ................................................................ Bring boat to “on plane” – Adjust as necessary
2. Navigation Lights .................................................... On at night or in reduced visibility
1. Tachometers ........................................................... Engines operating in safe RPM range
2. Engine Gauges ....................................................... Continually monitor
3. Engine Operation .................................................... Check idle and shift. Listen for abnormal noises and
visually check the engine compartment.
D. reTurninG To porT
1. Passengers/Crew ................................................... Instructed in duties for line handling
2. Lines and Fenders .................................................. Ready for use
boaT sYsTeMs
1. Navigation Lights .................................................... Turned OFF when secured
2. Anchor Light ........................................................... ON if necessary
3. Bilge/Engine Compartment ..................................... “Sniff” the bilge/engine compartment for fuel odor.
Run the bilge blowers if necessary. Check for water in
bilge. Run bilge pumps if necessary
1. Gearshift & Throttle Controls .................................. Bring to NEUTRAL and IDLE positions
2. Tachometers ........................................................... Idle the engines for ve (5) minutes to cool down
quick reference checklisT (conT’D)