245 Performance
Section 2 • general Boat arrangement
Do Not use cleats for lifting.
2. passenGer locaTions
1. When the boat is moving, all passengers must
be on the seating provided or, if standing,
holding on rmly.
While the person at the wheel must alert
passengers before any sudden or erratic boat
movement, such as crossing wakes, rapid turns,
sudden acceleration or deceleration, etc., an
emergency action may be necessary before
passengers can be warned. All passengers
must be prepared for rapid boat movement and
be able to hold on to prevent loss of balance.
2. When persons are on the working deck area,
for anchoring, mooring, or in emergencies,
they must be holding on and be positioned so
as to prevent falling. In bad weather and/or
rough water, if it is essential to be on deck,
persons should be closely tied to cleats, railing
stanchions, or other securely fastened boat
3. Engines must be turned off and the stern drive
fully down if the boat is near swimmers or
persons are on the swim platform or the swim
Boat motion can be erratic.
You can fall overboard or be injured by hitting
something in or on the boat.
All persons must be in cockpit area or cabin and be
prepared for sudden boat movement.
Use front or bow deck area only during anchoring,
mooring or emergencies.
Wet decks are slippery.
You can be seriously injured if you slip and fall.
Wear slip resistant footwear secured to your feet and
hold on to rails or boat structure.
Bow eye locationS
(fig 2.1.2)
Bow Eye
1. DockinG/lifTinG/TrailerinG
CLEATS: Cleats must not be used for lifting
the boat; they are intended for docking or mooring
use only.
BOW AND STERN EYES: The bow eye must be
used to haul the boat onto a trailer. The stern eyes
must be used as tie down points for trailering the
boat. The bow and stern eyes may be used for short
term lifting of the boat such as for service. Long
term lifting with the bow and stern eyes may cause
stress on the berglass and gel coat.
For long term storage, use at, wide belt-type slings
and spreaders long enough to keep pressure from
gunwales. Do not place slings where they may lift
on underwater ttings.
cleat locationS
(fig 2.1.1)