23 Outlaw
SeCtiOn 8 • required inSpeCtiOn, ServiCe, &
Speed changes you.
8. quick reference checklisT
As the owner/operator of a Baja
Boat, you are responsible for the safe operation your boat and the safety
of your passengers. Always be sure that required documents, navigational equipment and Coast Guard
required safety equipment is aboard and in proper working order.
*Note: If trailering boat, many of these items should be checked before leaving the house.
a. boarDinG The boaT*
1. Weather Conditions ................................................ Is it going to be safe to go out
2. Transom Drain Plug ................................................ Installed
3. PFDs and all other Coast Guard
required safety equipment ...................................... Available for all children and adults
4. Ignition keys ............................................................ Available
5. Tool Box .................................................................. Stocked with a variety of appropriate tools
boaT sYsTeMs
1. Bilge Pumps ........................................................... Working. Discharge any appreciable amounts of water
2. Blowers ................................................................... Working. “Sniff” the bilge/engine compartment for fuel
3. Navigation Lights .................................................... Working. Have spare bulbs (and if applicable fuses)
4. Radio/Electronics .................................................... Working
5. Horn ........................................................................ Working
6. Trim Tabs ................................................................ Full range of motion. No excessive play or binding
7. Fresh Water Tank .................................................. Filled and sanitized
8. Carbon Monoxide Detector ..................................... Working
1. Batteries ................................................................. Fully charged (Check water cell levels)
2. Fuel Tank ................................................................ Filled with recommended fuel
3. Fuel System ............................................................ Check for leaks
4. Fuel Filters .............................................................. Check that lters are clean and tight
5. Diesel Racor Fuel Filters ........................................ Check that lters are clean, tight and free of water
6. Engine Coolant Drain Plugs ................................... Secured
7. Steering Fluid ......................................................... Full
8. Throttle & Gearshift Controls Test .......................... Full range of motion