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Parking Meter Counter:
The transmitter has a built in clock that can count down from 10, 20, 30, 60, 90,
or 120 minutes. This feature is useful when parking the vehicle in a metered
parking lot. If the time on the parking meter is 30 minutes, you can set the count
down timer to 20 minutes. The transmitter will emit a beep tone when the timer
expires to remind you to get back to your vehicle. See following chart for setting
the parking meter count down timer feature.
Alarm Clock Mode:
The transmitter has a built in alarm clock that can be set to beep at a certain
time each day. The alarm clock mode must be set, and the feature turned on.
To use this feature please refer to the chart on the following page.
Note: While in the two way transmitter set up mode, 15 seconds of inactivity,
or pressing the "F" button for 5 seconds, will cause the set up mode to
be exited.
Note: Remote Start Melody select, and Temperature Check is available only
with some self container remote start models.