48 ASUS 802.11g WL-HDD2.5
Configuring the ASUS WL-HDD2.5
After logging in, the Wireless Hard Drive home page opens. Links to
the various parameters that can be adjusted are shown in the left
panel. Click a link to configure the ASUS WL-HDD2.5 as desired.
Click Restore to clear the changes you have made and restore the pre-
vious settings. Click Finish to confirm all your settings and restart the
ASUS WL-HDD2.5. Click Apply to confirm your settings and con-
tinue without restarting the device. The following sections describe
the various configuration settings.
Click the Wireless option on the left panel to
display its submenus. The wireless menu
enables you to configure the wireless interface
of the ASUS WL-HDD2.5, to configure its
bridge settings, to set up access blocks or
bypass, and to enable the ASUS WL-HDD2.5 to
act as an AP if no other AP is detected in its vicinity.