
Chapter 3: Bluetooth XP Suite
The Bluetooth XP Suite supports the following Bluetooth proles:
Human Interface Device Prole (HID)
This prole enables you to connect Bluetooth HIDs such as Bluetooth keyboards,
mouses, and game controllers to your computer. The Bluetooth XP Suite supports
multiple HID connections.
Serial Port Prole (SPP)
This prole enables you to set up virtual serial ports and connect your computer
with another Bluetooth enabled device.
Fax Prole (FAX)
This prole enables you to use a FAX gateway to send a Fax message to an
arbitrary recipient.
Dial-up Networking Prole (DUN)
This prole enables you to connect your computer to the Internet via a Bluetooth
enabled mobile phone.
Advanced Audio Distribution Prole (A2DP)
This prole enables you to stream stereo-quality audio from a source device to a
sink device (destination device). A source device delivers an audio stream, while
a sink device receives an audio stream. Bluetooth headphones, speakers, and
mobile phones are a few examples of the audio devices that use the A2DP prole.
Hands-Free Prole (HFP)
This prole enables you to use a hands-free device such as a Bluetooth headset
and a car kit to make and receive calls for a gateway device, typically a mobile