Chapter 3: Starting upChapter 3: Starting up
Chapter 3: Starting upChapter 3: Starting up
Chapter 3: Starting up
3.1 Installing an operating system
Terminator 2 supports Windows
2000/XP/2003 (32-bit) operating
systems (OS). Always install the latest OS version and corresponding
updates so you can maximize the features of your hardware.
3.3 Support CD information
The support CD that came with the system contains useful software and
several utility drivers that enhance the system features.
3.2 Powering up
The system has two power buttons located in the front panel. Press the
system power button ( ) to enter the OS.
Press to enter thePress to enter the
Press to enter thePress to enter the
Press to enter the
system OSsystem OS
system OSsystem OS
system OS
Because motherboard settings and hardware options vary, use the setup
procedures presented in this chapter for general reference only. Refer to
your OS documentation for more information.
Screen display and driver options may not be the same for other
operating system versions.
The contents of the support CD are subject to change at any time
without notice. Visit the ASUS website for updates.