ASUS P/I-P55T2P4 User's Manual 55
Terminator Settings for the ASUS PCI-SC860
Many SCSI devices including the ASUS PCI-SC860 use a set of onboard terminat-
ing resistors to terminate the devices at the ends automatically. Automatic termina-
tion requires that the SCSI devices be connected in a straight linear connection or
“chain.” Connect SCSI devices to one or two of the SCSI connectors in a linear
“chain” for auto termination of the ASUS PCI-SC860 to be effective. Other forma-
tions will cause your SCSI devices to not mount properly. You must use the end of
the ribbon cable when using the internal connector(s) to keep a linear path.
Additional Note: The Symbios Logic SCSI Configuration Utility is a powerful
tool. If, while using it, you somehow disable all your controllers or cannot enter
the configuration utility, pressing “Ctrl-A” after memory count during reboot
allows you to recover and reconfigure.
Terminator Settings for the ASUS PCI-SC200
The ASUS PCI-SC200, on the other hand, has “active” termination that you must
set using jumper JP5. There are two settings, "terminated" and "not terminated," as
shown below.
Decide whether or not you need to terminate the ASUS PCI-SC200 based on its
position in the SCSI chain. Only the devices at each end of the chain need to be
terminated. If you have only internal or only external devices connected to the
ASUS PCI-SC200, then you must terminate the ASUS PCI-SC200. If you have
both internal and external devices connected, you must not terminate the card. See
the following example which illustrates this concept.
Terminator Setting (Terminated / Not Terminated)
Terminated (Default) Not Terminated