Rocky Road Ice Cream
Mix the milk and chocolate in a large saucepan. Over medium heat, stir until the
chocolate is completely melted. Remove from heat and slowly add sugar and salt,
mixing well, until dissolved. Stir in the remaining ingredients, except the marshmallows,
pecans and chocolate chips, then cover and refrigerate for about 30 minutes or until
the mixture has chilled. Pour mixture into the freezing canister and follow the directions
in the “To Make Ice Cream” section, pages 5-8. Do not ll the freezing canister more
than ⅔ full, as the mixture will expand during freezing. Add marshmallows, pecans and
chocolate chips after the ice cream has nished churning and stir in evenly. This recipe
will make a couple of batches.
2½ cups granulated sugar
1 tsp salt
4 cups milk
12 squares semi-sweet chocolate
4 cups half and half
12 cups whipping cream
2 tbsp vanilla extract
4 cups mini marshmallows
3 cups chocolate chips
2 cups chopped pecans
For additional ice cream maker recipes, or even to submit your own, visit our website at www.AromaCo.com!
Mix the sugar, cornstarch and salt in a large saucepan. Over medium heat, slowly stir
in the milk, stirring constantly. Very slowly, add the beaten eggs and continue to stir.
Reduce heat to low and cook until mixture thickens slightly. Slowly add vanilla, half and
half and heavy cream. Pour into a large glass bowl and refrigerate for 2-4 hours or until
mixture has chilled. Remove from refrigerator. Pour mixture into the freezing canister
and follow the directions in the “To Make Ice Cream” section, pages 5-8. Do not ll
the freezing canister more than ⅔ full, as the mixture will expand during freezing. This
recipe will make a couple of batches.
Vanilla Ice Cream
3 cups granulated sugar
2¼ tbsp cornstarch
⅓ tsp salt
2¼ tbsp vanilla
10½ cups milk
8 eggs, beaten
4¹⁄₈ cups heavy cream
2¼ cups half and half