
Some commands are read or write only – for example, mute all is a write only
command, whereas version is a read only command.
n = numerical ascii value, where needed (“all” commands do not require)
# = second numerical ascii value
[] = optional command, do not include square brackets in actual command
Function Command Range Read/Write
Version (vr?) none read only
Reset (rx) none write only
Channel On (non) n = 1-6 write only
Channel Off (nof) n = 1-6 write only
Mute (nmu) n = 1-6 write only
Unmute (num) n = 1-6 write only
Mute All (amu) none write only
Unmute All (aum) none write only
Vol (nvl [? Or ## ]) n = 1-6 read or write, note 1
## = 0-80
Vol All (avl##) ## = 0-80 write only
Input Select (nsl#) n = 1-6 write only
# = 1-7
Input Select All (asl#) # = 1-7 write only
Bass (nb#) n = 1-6
# = 0-F write only, hex
Treble (nt#) n = 1-6
# = 0-F write only, hex
Note 1: Read on Volume returns decimal value
RS232 Sample Command String
Audio out of Channel 1, Input source 7, Volume = 35, Bass Up, Treble Down, from
(1on) turn on channel 1
(1um) unmute channel 1
(1sl7) select input 7 to channel one
(1vl35) set volume to 35
(1ba) turn bass to Hex value “A”, which is Decimal 10
(1t4) turn treble to Hex value “4”, which is also Decimal 4