The first purge cycle takes place immediately prior to activation of the Anprolene am-
poule and commencement of the sterilization cycle. This cycle lasts for 1 minute, 30
seconds and is displayed as the INITIAL PURGE.
The second purge cycle is automatically initiated when the sterilization cycle has
reached the end of the 12 (or 24) hours. The purge cycle continues for two hours with
the display showing VENTILATING BAG - 02:00:00 REMAINING and counting
down to zero. At the end of the two hours, the sterilizer can be unloaded. The purge
pump runs for two minutes and then turns off for two minutes, alternating with the ven-
tilation pump during the ventilation cycle.
If the two hour VENTILATING BAG period has expired but: (1) the door to the steri-
lizer has not been opened; and (2) the EXIT button has not been pressed, the sterilizer
will continue to intermittently purge the sterilization liner bag. It will remain on this
schedule indefinitely until the door is opened and the EXIT button is pressed. In addi-
tion, the display will show a count-up timer indicating additional aeration time.
6.14 Abator Alarm: The alarm will beep 3 times on startup if the abator is down to 25 or
fewer remaining cycles. A constant alarm sounds when the abator is down to 0 cycles
6.15 Power Outage: The program in the microchip is protected from power loss by a bat-
tery which is built into the clock chip mounted on the circuit board. The design enables
the program to continue in the event of a power loss by using the backup battery
If a power outage occurs during the sterilization portion of the cycle, the program will
continue without interruption as if a power outage did not occur since the items inside
the sterilization liner bag will still be exposed to the Anprolene gas for the same
amount of time even if the power is off.
If a power outage occurs during the ventilation portion of the cycle, the program will
record how long the sterilization liner bag was ventilated prior to the power outage (for
example, 30 minutes) and it will resume the countdown for the remainder of the 2 hour
ventilation cycle. (in this example, an additional 1 hour, 30 minutes).