Shell Object Commands
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background tasks. (Definitions of the unit statuses are available in the 3ware
Serial ATA RAID Controller User Guide.)
For a system with an enclosure unit that includes support for an EPCT
(Enclosure Port Configuration Table), applicable firmware and software, and
an appropriate controller (9550SX, 9590SE, or 9650SE), a global view of the
environment also includes summary information about detected enclosures.
Typical output of the Show command for a system with an enclosure looks
like the following:
//localhost> show
Ctl Model Ports Drives Units NotOpt RRate VRate BBU
c0 9650SE-4LPML 4 2 1 0 4 4 -
Encl Slots Drives Fans TSUnits Ctls
e0 4 2 1 1 1
The output above shows the enclosure summary information with the name of
the enclosure, the protocol used, the number of drive slots, the number of
drives, the number of fans, the number of temperature sensors, and the
number of controllers that are associated with the enclosure.
show ver
This command will show the CLI and API version.
//localhost> show ver
CLI Version =
API Version = 2.01.00.xx
In the above example, “xx” stands for the actual version. See the Release
Notes for details.