Controller Object Commands
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A status of “disabled” indicates that the task schedule is disabled. In this case,
the controller will not use the defined schedule timeslots. If the rebuild
command is entered manually, rebuilding will start within 10 to 15 minutes. It
will begin automatically if a rebuild is needed and a proper spare drive is set
If the rebuild schedule is enabled while a rebuild process is underway, the
rebuild will pause until a scheduled time slot.
If a unit is in the initialization state at noon on Wednesday and the rebuild
schedule shown above is in use (with schedules disabled), you would see the
following status using the show command:
$ tw_cli /c1 show
Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
u0 RAID-5 INITIALIZING 0 - 64K 521.466 ON OFF
Port Status Unit Size Blocks Serial
p0 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
p1 OK u0 76.33 GB 160086528 Y2NXL7FE
p2 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
p3 OK u0 76.33 GB 160086528 Y2NXLB9E
p4 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
p5 OK u0 76.33 GB 160086528 Y2NXQPZE
p6 NOT-PRESENT - - - -
p7 OK u0 76.33 GB 160086528 Y2NXM4VE
p8 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3WTSE
p9 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3WRHC
p10 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3WQLQ
p11 OK u0 74.53 GB 156301488 3JV3WQLZ
Name OnlineState BBUReady Status Volt Temp Hours LastCapTest
bbu On Yes OK OK OK 0 xx-xxx-xxxx
If you then enable the rebuild schedules, the unit initialization will be paused
until the next scheduled time slot, as reflected in the examples below:
//localhost> /c1 set rebuild=enable
Enabling scheduled rebuilds on controller /c1 ...Done.
//localhost> /c1 show rebuild
Rebuild Schedule for Controller /c1
Slot Day Hour Duration Status
1 Mon 2:00pm 10 hr(s) enabled
2 Thu 7:00pm 18 hr(s) enabled
3 - - - -
4 - - - -
5 - - - -
6 Mon 1:00am 4 hr(s) enabled
7 Sun 12:00am 1 hr(s) enabled
$ tw_cli /c1 show
Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy