Dear Customer:
Thanks for choosing LTODRIVE3.4 and thanks for choosing one of the results of LTO AUDIO TEAM
job and researches.
For our LTO AUDIO TEAM , music and sound are more than a job... are first of all passion and let
Us say our obsession!
We have been designing professional audio products for a long time in cooperation with some of the
major brands in the world in the audio field.
The LTO line presents unparalleled analogue and digital products made by Musicians for Musicians
in our R&D centers in Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Taiwan. The core of our digital audio
products is a sophisticated DSP (digital sound processor) and a large range of state of the art algorithms
which have been developed by our Software Team for the last 7 years.
Because we are convinced you are the most important member of LTO AUDIO TEAM and the one
confirming the quality of our job, we would like to share with you our work and our dreams, paying
attention to your suggestions and your comments.
Following this idea we create our products and we will create the new ones! From our side, we guarantee
you and we will guarantee you also in future the best quality , the best fruits of our continuous
researches and the best prices.
Our LTODRIVE3.4 is the result of many hours of listening and tests involving common people, area
experts, musicians and technicians; nothing else to add, but that we would like to thank all the people that
made the LTODRIVE3.4 a reality available to our customers , and thank our designers and all the LTO
staff, people who make possible the realization of products containing our idea of music and sound and are
ready to support you, our Customers, in the best way , conscious that you are our best richness.
Thank you very much