ATTIX 791-2M/B1
4.4 Acoustic warning
For safety reasons, an acoustic
warning sounds if the air speed
in the suction hose drops to be-
low 20 m/s. See section “Trou-
5 Applications and techniques
5.1 Techniques
If used correctly, additional ac-
cessories, suction nozzles and
suction hoses can enhance the
cleaning action and reduce the
cleaning effort.
Effective cleaning is achieved if
you follow just a few guidelines
in combination with your own
practical experience in special
Here are some basic tips.
5.1.1 Picking up dry
The suction hose diameter must
suit the position of the switch in
order to pick up dry, nonflam-
mable dust with maximum room
concentration values.
There must always be a safety
filter bag in the tank before dry
substances with maximum room
concentration values are picked
up. See section 9.5 “Accesso-
ries” for ordering number.
To pick up harmless dust we
recommend the use of a waste
bag. See section 9.5 “Accesso-
ries” for ordering number. Dis-
posal of the picked up material
is then simple and hygienic.
After picking up liquids, the filter
element is wet. A damp filter el-
ement clogs more quickly when
dry substances are picked up.
For this reason the filter element
should be washed and dried or
replaced by a dry element be-
fore dry substances are picked
Always use a filter bag/waste
bag that is suitable for the type
of dust (see table):
ATTIX 791-2M/B1
Type of dust Filter bag/waste bag Handling/waste disposal
• Nonhazardous coarse
• Dust with MAC values
≥ 1 mg/m³
• Observe any additional
national regulations
Waste bag
No. 302001480
Waste disposal - see section 7.2.1
• Nonhazardous fine dust
• Dust with MAC values
≥ 1 mg/m³
• Explosive dust, explo-
sion class St1,St2,St3 in
zone 22
Filter bag
No. 302001484
Waste disposal - see section 7.2.2
Do not pick up flammable
5.1.2 Picking up liquids
Always remove the filter bag/
waste bag before picking up
liquids and check that the water
level device functions properly
(see section 7.2.5, „Replacing
the filter element“).
The use of a separate filter ele-
ment or filter screen is recom-
If foam appears, stop work im-
mediately and empty the tank.
To reduce the amount of foam,
use foam killer Nilfisk-Alto Foam
Stop (see section 9.5 „Accesso-
ries“ for order number).
Do not pick up flammable