Channel Operation
Setting levels (mic/line channels). Plug the cable into the appropriate input
jack. If you are using a microphone or an instrument with a low output level (such
as an acoustic guitar), pressing the +30dB switch will give you an extra measure of
pre-amplification. After this is set properly, control the volume of the input with the
LEVEL knob.
Setting levels (dual-line channels). Plug the cable(s) into the appropriate input
jack(s). After this is done, control the volume of the input with the LEVEL knob.
Pan position (GigaMix 8FX only). Set the stereo placement of the input device
using the PAN knob.
Effect level. Dial in the desired amount of effects (reverb, chorus, etc.) using the
EFFECT knob. The effects are post-fader, which means that as the input level is
increased, the amount of signal being sent to the effects will also increase. If you
want to increase the level of the instrument, you may need to turn down the
EFFECT knob.
If you want to use an external effect device, plug a cable into the Effect Send jack.
(This will disable the built-in digital effects of the GigaMix.) Then connect the
outputs of the external device to the Effect Return jacks on the GigaMix.
Monitor level. To control the amount of a given channel being sent to the
Monitor Output jack, use the MON knob. If the Power Amp Mode button is set
to MAIN-MON (up), this signal will be sent to the Speaker Output 2 jack on the
rear panel as well.
Equalizer controls. There are three knobs in the EQ section for each channel: HI,
MID, and LO. These give you the ability to shape the sound of each channel
individually before it is sent to the outputs.
Operating the Effects Section
Selecting the effects program. The GigaMix has 100 different effect programs
from which to choose. They are arranged into categories for ease of location. To
select a new program, turn the knob next to the PROGRAM display. When you
reach the desired number, push the knob to call up the new program.
Bypassing the effects. To hear what the mix sounds like without effects, press the
BYPASS button. The yellow LED will light to indicate that the effects are bypassed.
To bring the effects back in, press the button again.
Note: You may also use a footswitch to bypass the effects. To do so, plug a
footswitch into the EFFECT BYPASS/FOOTSWITCH jack at the bottom middle
area of the front panel.
Effects Clip/Signal LEDs. If you are using the built-in effects, make sure the
combined effect settings of each channel are lighting the green LED (Signal) but
not lighting the red LED (Clip). If the signal into the effects is clipping, reduce the
setting of the EFFECT knobs for one or more channels.