Multimix 12R Reference Manual 39
Using the HIGH and LOW EQ controls
The Multimix 12R provides standard shelving EQ controls on each
channel. The HIGH knob range is +/- 15 dB with a shelving frequency
of 12 kHz. "Shelving" means that all frequencies above 12 kHz will be
boost or cut by the same amount , and frequency response between 1
kHz and 12 kHz will gradually rise or fall to the shelving point. The
LOW knob range is +/- 15 dB at a shelving frequency of 80 Hz. This
means that frequencies below 80 Hz will be boosted or cut by the
same amount, and frequency response will gradually rise or fall from
80 Hz to about 1 kHz. The frequency response range is shown in the
curve below:
+15 dB
-15 dB
20 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10k 20k
✪ The normal position for the EQ controls is "12 o'clock" or straight up. A
"click" or detent will be felt at this position. At this position, the EQ does not
affect the frequency response of the channel--it is "flat".
Use only the amount of EQ necessary to achieve the desired effect.
Excessive boost on either EQ section may cause clipping in the channel
electronics, and will amplify noise.
Monitoring AUX 1 in the PHONES jack
If you are using AUX 1 as a monitor feed, you may want to check that
mix using the headphones. If you've connected the PA or recorder to
the MAIN OUTPUTS, and are not using the TAPE IN jacks, use Y-cords
to connect the AUX 1 SEND to the TAPE IN jack(s) at the same time it
feeds the monitor amplifier. Use the front panel
[PHONES/MONITOR] switch to select between the main and aux 1