10 Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router
Market-Leading Scalability
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR was designed
to support tens of thousands of services per
device and scale to hundreds of thousands of
service instances per service area, making it
ideal for multiservice edge and collapsed core
applications. Each individual service can be
configured with thousands of specific ingress
and egress QoS parameters and multiple
services can be aggre gated to deliver a single,
overall SLA to each customer. Granular
service-oriented accounting and statistics
scale to enable accurate SLA measurement
and billing for tens of thousands of high-
bandwidth subscribers.
Flexible Service Evolution
The unique, fully programmable network
processor-based architecture of the Alcatel-
Lucent 7750 SR allows service providers to
customize or add new services and adapt to
emerging standards with simple in-service
downloads, without requiring expensive and
lengthy hardware upgrades. Service providers
can roll out new services faster, to more
customers, at a lower operational cost, all
through a common network infrastructure.
All Services on All Interfaces
All service features such as QoS, deep
buffering, rate shaping, traffic marking and
billing are available on all interfaces or sub-
interfaces. Service providers can provision
access ports and IP or MPLS tunnels on
any physical interface, with no additional
specialized hardware required.
Service-Based Hierarchical QoS
With the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR service
providers can offer voice, video or VPLS and
IP-VPN services on an unprecedented scale
to thousands of customers with guaranteed
QoS differentiation. Service providers can
give distinctive treatment to individual
services, and combine multiple service classes
for any customer into a single SLA with
committed information rate (CIR) and peak
information rate (PIR) guarantees.