Chapter 3 35
Setting Configuration Values
Setting Configuration Values
This section gives guidelines to set E2050 configuration values, including:
n Steps to Set Configuration Values
n Configuration Values Descriptions
n Default Configuration Settings
n How Configuration Values are Used
Steps to Set Configuration Values
To configure an E2050 LAN/GPIB Gateway on a network, you will need to:
n Know the configuration values that can be used for the Gateway,
including the defaults (if any) that are preset for each configuration
n Decide which configuration values you will need to change or set for
the Gateway.
n Use one of three configuration methods on HP-UX or use the Telnet
configuration method on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows Me or Windows NT to change or set desired configuration
values for the Gateway.
Configuration Values Descriptions
This section provides a brief description of the configuration values that are
used to configure the E2050 LAN/GPIB Gateway on a network.
The most important configuration value is the Internet Protocol (IP) address
of the LAN/GPIB Gateway. Without a proper IP address, the Gateway may
not respond or may operate unexpectedly.
At a minimum, you must set the IP address for the LAN/GPIB Gateway on
your network. In fact, the IP address may be the only configuration value you
will need to set. To determine what configuration values other than the IP
address (if any) you will need for the Gateway, see this section and the
“Default Configuration Settings” section.