
User Manual: Family of 8-bit Digitizers Page 51 of 66
4.10. Display Features
Display features in the Options menu include items for
turning the waveform display off (by de-selecting “Display Waveforms”),
overlaying segments of a sequence,
connecting displayed data points,
modifying the display refresh rate,
displaying the internal temperature of the currently selected module
4.11. Command Line Switches
When starting the AcqirisLive application, the executable's name in the command line can be followed by one or
more switches to change the running conditions.
The syntax of the command line is the following:
path\AcqirisLive.exe options
where options are chosen from the following list
Available Switches
List of available switches:
-a start in Averager mode
-b Buffer size for large waveforms
-B Number of banks for SMAR mode
-c no initial calibration
-d use DMA for data transfers (default)
-h high priority process (default)
-i use acquisition interrupts
-l low priority process
-m medium priority process
-n no DMA for data transfers
-p Use acquisition polling
-r start in Transient Recorder (digitizer) mode
-s simulation mode
-t temperature update off
-v show acquisition state
-x disable automatic multi-instruments
Operation Mode
Acqiris averagers can be operated in Averager Mode or in standard Digitizer Mode.
AcqirisLive operates in either mode, but since these are mutually exclusive, only instruments that support the chosen
mode are accessible in any given mode. E.g. only averagers are accessible in Averager Mode, while both digitizers
and averagers are accessible in Digitizer Mode.
The operation mode can be switched within the application. By default, AcqirisLive starts in Digitizer Mode.