
Monitor Feature
The 34980A monitor feature
allows you to monitor readings
acquired by the switch/measure
system. You can also monitor
readings acquired with the
34980A internal DMM. To
monitor a measurement from the
front panel, simply select the
channel and press either the
Measure [DMM] or [Channel]
button to see a continually
updated channel output or state
on the front display. For
programs, use the
Command. The command reads
the data from the channel
currently selected by the Monitor
function. One reading is displayed
for each monitor command. The
Web interface can also be used to
monitor a channel measurement.
The 3499A/B/C monitor feature
allows users to continuously
monitor a selected switch or
module status from the front
display. A channel monitor can
be set up using the front panel
buttons or instrument commands.
The 3499A/B/C monitor output
can be a specific switching
channel, a digital I/O port or the
state of all switches or digital I/O
on one plug-in module. The
3499A/B/C allows a single
channel to be monitored
continuously even during an
instrument scan.
Stored State Feature
The 34980A is also able to
store/recall up to six (0 through
5) instrument setups. A stored
setup state can be automatically
recalled at any time, even during
a power up state. The stored
state feature contains the state of
the plug-in modules including
channel configurations, scanning
setups, alarm values, and Mx + B
scaling values. Location 0 is
typically used for the Factory
Reset and power down state, but
can also be programmed with a
new setup.
The 3499A/B/C is able to store
and recall up to 50 instrument
setup states with revision 4.0.
The instrument setups include the
status of relay channels, and/or
the static digital I/O state, module
configuration, and scanning
setups (scan lists, arm count, arm
source, etc.). The 3499A/B/C is
not able to automatically power
up in a stored state.