© Adam Equipment Company 2006
To weigh a person-
• The person to be weighed can now step onto the scale
• The lever will move away from it original position.
• Move the balancing masses along the calibrated lever arms
to return the lever to the horizontal position.
• For this the bigger balancing mass should be moved first and
then the smaller one for finer adjustment.
• NOTE: While moving the lower (larger) balancing mass
along the lower arm of the lever, make sure that it sits in one
of the notches properly. In that case, its upper pointer will be
in line with one of the markings of the lower arm of the lever.
The reading at this marking will indicate the weight of the
person using the larger balancing mass.
• The upper (smaller) balancing mass is now moved along the
upper arm of the lever till the lever returns to its original
horizontal position. This is to obtain the finer weight. The
reading at this point is noted.
• The total reading of the two balancing masses will give the
final weight of the person on the platform.
For example,
Lower mass 60 kg + Upper mass 2.5 kg
= Total weight of the person is 62.5 kg.