• Zero the scale by pressing [Zero/Enter]. The zero indicator will
be on. Place a container on the pan and its weight will be
• Press [Tare] to tare the scale. The weight that was displayed is
stored as the tare value and it is subtracted from the display,
leaving zero on the display. The "TARE" indicator will be on and
the “GROSS” indicator will be off. As product is added only the
weight of the product will be shown. The scale could be tared a
second time if another type of product was to be added to the first
one. Again only the weight that is added after taring will be
• When the container is removed a negative value will be shown. If
the scale was tared just before removing the container, this value
is the gross weight of the container plus all products which were
removed. The “ZERO”- indicator will also be on because the
platform is back to the same condition it was when [Zero/Enter]
was last pressed.
To determine the weight of a sample, first tare an empty container if
used, then place the sample in the container. The display will show the
weight and the units of weight currently in use.
• The scale will allow a sample weight to be shown as 100%. Then
any other weight placed on the scale will be displayed as a
percentage of the original sample. For example is 350g is placed
on the scale and the [%] key is pressed the display will show
100.00%. Remove the 350g weight and place a 300g weight on
the scale. The display will show 85.71% as 300g is 85.71% of
NOTE: The scale may jump by large numbers unexpectedly if small weights
are used to set the 100% level. For example, if only 23.5g is placed on a scale
with 0.5g increments and the scale is set to 100%, the display will show
100.00%, however a small change of weight will cause the display to jump to
102.13% as one scale division (0.5g) increase to 24.0g will be equivalent to an
increase of 2.13%.
• Pressing [Func] will return the scale to weighing.
© Adam Equipment Company 2007