33 | P a g e © Adam Equipment Company 2010
The parameters available are:
“F4 Int” Initial Zero Range
“F5 rEZ” Re-Zero range
“F6 SCS” Successive Tare Enable
“F7 Cnt” Display the A/D counts
“F8 Zem” Zero Mode
“F9 Lvd” Low voltage detection
“FA AZn” Auto Zero Range
“Fb FPS” User Function Password
The description of the parameters is shown in section 12.3
Press the [Z/T] key during the display counting when turned on,
When “Pn “ is displayed, enter the number 2006 using the [Unit/
] and [Pcs/
keys and then press [Z/T]. The displays will show the first parameters, called “F1”
To select another parameter press the [Pcs/
] key to advance through the
Press the [Z/T] key to enter a parameter.
To exit a parameter, press the [Print/M+/Esc] key.
The display will show the parameter number and a name.
When a parameter is entered by pressing the [Z/T] key, the displays will guide you
through the parameter selected and the options available.
The parameters available are:
“F1 CAL” To enter the Calibration
“F2 dEC” Decimal Point Position
“F3 CAP” Default Weighing Unit and capacity
“F4 Int” Initial Zero Range
“F5 rEZ” Re-Zero range
“F6 SCS” Successive Tare Enable
“F7 Cnt” Display the A/D counts
“F8 Zem” Zero Mode
“F9 Lvd” Low voltage detection
“FA AZn” Auto Zero Range
“Fb FPS” User Function Password