1. Download the Acu-Link APP from the Apple APP store
if you have an iPhone/ iPod Touch/ iPad. Download from
the Android Market if you have an android device.
2. After you have installed the Acu-Link APP, tap on the
icon to open the application.
3. Tap the “CREATE NEW ACCOUNT” button. If you
already have an Acu-Link account simply enter your
e-mail and password and login.
4. Fill in your account information to create your account.
Registering your Acu-Link Bridge on an
or Android
The Acu-Link Internet Bridge can be registered on your
smart phone if you do not wish to register on a PC. You
will need to download and install the FREE Acu-Link APP.
Note that changes made on the APP will be reflected in
the web site as well - such as label name changes and
sharing options, etc.
The “Nickname” that you
enter will appear on the
dashboard as the bridge
name. It will also appear on
the title bar of each weather
page. This helps to identify
multiple bridges and
locations, as well as allowing
you to personalize your
weather. Note that if you
enter in a nickname or e-mail
address that is already taken
you will receive an error
If you already created an
account on the Acu-Link web
site, you do not need to
create another account on
the APP. Simply enter in the
e-mail and password you
created for the web site.
Registration - Mobile APP
The iPhone APP is shown in this manual, the Android APP is similar. Android
specific operations will be highlighted with a “ ” in this instruction manual
Acu-Link Tip
Registration - Mobile APP