If you are having problems operating the AM-825, or suspect something is wrong with the unit,
please check the troubleshoot list below to see if the issue is a result of incorrect operation
rather than equipment malfunction. If you are still unable to resolve the problem, please
contact our Acesonic tech. service center at 626-820-0670.
Symptom Possible Causes
Will notturn on
AC poweradapter cord is
incorrectly attachedor not
plugged intooutlet
Incorrect inputsource selected
Check boththeAC adapter connectionas well astheAC outlet connection.
Check thefuse below theACadapter and seeif it isbroken.
Check thefuse if itis broken. Checkthe EQ loopson the rearof machine.
Check tomake sure thecorrect corresponding buttonis pressed onthe input
selector inrelation to youraudio source.
No audiocan be
heard, audiosignal
meter showssignal
MUSIC VOLcontrol is down
Poor orincorrect output
connection tospeakers or other
external units,or bad/defective
cables, wiresor connectors
Poor orincorrect input
connection fromaudio source
unit, orbad/defective cables,
wires orconnectors
Check tosee if MUSICVOL controlis all theway down. Ifso, turn the knobslowly
Double checkall output connectionsto speakers orother units. Try using another
set ofcables/cords. Make sureto turn POWEROFF before reconnectingcables.
Double checkall input connectionsfrom audio sourceunits. Tryusing another set
of cables/cords.Make sure toturn POWER OFFbefore reconnecting cables.
No audiocan be
heard, audiosignal
show signal
No microphone
signal canbe heard
Microphone controlsare turned
Check MICMASTER VOL and allMIC VOLcontrols tosee if theyare turned
down. Ifso, turn theknob slowly clockwise.
Poor orincorrect input
connection frommicrophone, or
bad/defective cables,wires or
Double checkall microphone connections.Tryusing another cable/cord.Make
sure toturn MIC MASTERVOL downbefore reconnecting cables.
PC didnot recognize
Please installthe driver ofAM-825before you connectit to yourPC to makesure
your operatingsystem will recognizetheAM-825
Please tryto use otherprofessional microphone
Unpleasant howling
and screechingheard
from speakers
Microphone feedback
Place microphonesfurther away fromspeakers. Face microphonesaway from
Remote controlnot
Batteries areexhausted or
positioned incorrectly
Replace withfresh batteries ordouble check batterypositioning.
Remote isout of rangeor there
is anobstruction
Move closerto theAM-825 ormake sure noobjects are obstructingyour view of
the unit.
Did notinstall driver
Audio playback/recordingsetup
Go tocontrol Panel--> SoundandAudio Devices-->Audio. Selectthe
as asource for “Soundplayback” and “SoundRecording “ functions
USB Device