
1.3.5 Controller Requirements General Requirements
The monitor shall include a controller capable of
converting the analog RGB signal from a standard
WUXGA resolution video controller in the CPU to a
signal which can be displayed on the panel. The
controller will include a PLL, A/D converters, LVDS
transmitter and other circuitry necessary to perform
its function. The PLL shall be stable enough to
ensure that a static image from the CPU is placed
in the same physical location on the flat panel in
each frame. Mode Recognition Pull-in
The monitor shall recognize preset modes within a
range of +/-1KHz whichever is less for horizontal ;
and within +/-1Hz for vertical. User Display Modes
In addition to the factory pre-set video modes,
provisions shall be made to store up to 9 user
modes. If the current mode is a user mode, the
monitor shall select its previously stored settings.
If the user alters a setting, the new setting will be
stored in the same user mode. The user modes
are not affected by the pre-set command. If the
input signal requires a new user mode, storage of
the new format is automatically performed during
user adjustment of the display (if required).(
Please see Note.(4) )
Preset timing Chart Video Stretching
The monitor shall contain provisions to “stretch” the
video signal, so that an input signal from the
computer in any resolution smaller than 1920 x
1200 is automatically expanded to fill the entire
screen. Panel Timing and Interface
The controller supplied with the monitor shall
control all panel timing. This controller shall
adequately insulate the monitor from the computer,
so that no possible combination of input signals
from the computer shall cause damage to the flat
panel or any other component of the monitor. The
LCD panel interface shall support the TFT
1.3.6 DC - AC Inverter Requirements
The DC-AC inverter is on the power board. The
frequencies used by the DC-AC inverter used to power the
backlight shall be chosen so as to prevent any noticeable
effects on the flat panel (such as a rolling effect).
1.3.7 Power Supply Requirements
The AC to DC converter power supply for the monitor shall
be an external AC to DC converter ”brick” This brick shall
have an IEC receptacle for main power input and a pin - in
---socket for DC power out. The brick shall provide
sufficient power for both the monitor and the backlight
assembly, and shall meet requirements specified in Table
1. Product Specification (continued)
H-Sync V-Sync Band Width
(K H z) (H z) (MH z ) H V
1 720 x 400 31.472 70.4 28.325 - + V GA
2 640 x 480 31.469 59.94 25.175 - - VG A
3 640 x 480 37.5 75 31.5 - - VESA
4 648 x 500 31.234 57.735 31.234 + + MA C
5 8 00x 600 37.879 60 .3 40 + + V ESA
6 800 x 600 46.875 75 49.5 + + VE SA
7 1024 x 768 48.363 60 65 - - VESA
8 1024 x 768 60.023 75 78.75 + + V ESA
9 1280 x1024 63.981 60 108 + + VE SA
10 1280 x 1024 79.976 75 135 + + VES A
11 1440 x900 55.469 59.01 88.75 + - CV T-RB
12 1440 x900 55.935 59.887 106.5 - + CVT
13 1440 x900 70.635 74.98 136.75 - + CVT
14 1280 x 720 45 6 0 74.25 + + C EA-861
15 1280 x800 49.702 60 83.5 - + CVT
16 1280 x800 62.795 75 106.5 - + CVT
17 1600 x 1200 75 60 162 + + VESA
18 1600 x 1200 74.006 59.924 130.25 + - CVT -RB
19 1600 x 1200 93.75 75 202.5 + +/- V ESA
20 1680 x 1050 65.29 59.954 146.25 - + CVT
21 1680x 1050 64.674 59.883 119 + - CV T-RB
22 1680x 1050 82.306 74.892 187 - + CVT
23 1920 x 1200 74.038 59.95 154 + - CVT -RB
24 1920 x 1200 74.556 59.885 193.25 + - CV T
NOTE: (1)76
86 :monitor can display butdoesn'tguarantee.
(2)fV < 55,or fV > 86 :warning invalid mode.
(3) Factory mod el:
Afterwe firstburn the code intotheflash,everypreset-modelw erun firstmustdo auto-adjusting.
Then it'llnot doauto-adjustagain when we changed preset-m odeback including AC on/off DC on/off.
The only way thatpreset-mod e doau to-adjustag ain isp ress ''InternalFa ctory Reset''.
The code should memorize 9tim ing mode exclusiveof preset-modesas use mode and do auto-adjusting.
W henuserseta new mode thatisnotam ongpreviously.It'lldo auto-adjusting then besolved to user mod
The new m ode willov erwrite thefirstm emorized userm odes.
The userm odesb eclearedis sam eas Factory mode. Justdo ''InternalFactoryR eset''.
(5) Interna l Factory R ese t and OS D F ac tory Re set beha vior.
Item Reso lutio n
Preset Tim ing Chart
H-Active V-Active I/P H-tot. HB V-tot. VB
17,18 720 576 P 864 144 625 49 31.250 50.000 27.000 DVI,HDMI
19 1280 720 P 1980 700 750 30 37.500 50.000 74.250 DVI,HDMI
20 1920 1080 I 2640 720 1125 22.5 28.125 50.000 74.250 DVI,HDMI
21,22 1440 576 I 1728 288 625 24.5 15.625 50.000 27.000 HDMI
31 1920 1080 P 2640 720 1125 45 56.250 50.000 148.500 DVI,HDMI
39 1920 1080 I 2304 384 1250 85 31.250 50.000 72.000 DVI,HDMI
2,3 720 480 P 858 138 525 45 31.469 59.940 27.000 DVI,HDMI
4 1280 720 P 1650 370 750 30 44.955 59.940 74.176 DVI,HDMI
5 1920 1080 I 2200 280 1125 22.5 33.716 59.940 74.176 DVI,HDMI
6,7 1440 480 I 1716 276 525 22.5 15.734 59.940 27.000 HDMI
16 1920 1080 P 2200 280 1125 45 67.433 59.940 148.352 DVI,HDMI
■ Digital inputs (DVI, HDMI): Conflicting video- and PC
timings are to be treated as Video timings with one
exception: 640x480p/60Hz timing to be treated as PC-timing.
Analog input (VGA) treats all timings as PC-timings.
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