Manual No. 775012 B-1
Appendix B
DAC960PG and
DAC960PJ Specifications
General Hardware Specifications
Controller DAC960PG
CPU Intel i960 RP® RISC 32-bit microprocessor, 33MHz
Memory EDO ECC RAM, 60ns, 72-pin SIMM, n x 40
(Use only Mylex supplied SIMMS)
Minimum: 4 MB
Optional: 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 MB
Cache Write: Selectable – Write/Through or Write/Back
Error Protection: Error Correction Code (ECC)
Firmware ROM Type, Flash EEPROM, 512K x 8
PCI I/O Processor: Embedded Intel i960 RP
32-bit bus
Transfer Rate: Up to 133MB/second
SCSI Mylex BA-81C15, one per channel
Data Rate: Up to 40MB/second, when using
Fast/Wide 16-bit mode